Free humanitarian coordination, e-learning, workshops, and field focus videos

Step 1: Create an Account

Create a free account and start learning today.

Step 2: Complete Online Training

Select the BBR course in the language that is right for you.

Step 3: Receive Certificate

Earn an eLearning certificate from the Humanitarian Academy at Harvard.

Our Online Courses provide training in the following areas:

  • Unit 1: Foundations of humanitarian action
  • Unit 2: The international humanitarian coordination system
  • Unit 3: The cluster approach
  • Unit 4: Planning and funding disaster responses
  • Unit 5: International law and humanitarian standards
  • Unit 6: Complex humanitarian emergencies

Due to the United States Government stop-work order, the Building a Better Response website will continue its important work of strengthening emergency preparedness through private funds.

Education as Crisis Response

The Building a Better Response Project includes many varying learning components:

  • Workshops
  • E-learning online courses (offered in multiple languages)
  • Humanitarian in Focus and Perspective videos
  • Humanitarian crisis coordination education materials