The aim of the workshops is to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the international coordination system for large-scale emergencies and to help participants identify where they can take action and engage directly within the system through a coordinated response. These workshops will enhance the knowledge gained from the Building a Better Response E-Learning Course (, which participants are required to complete before attending the workshops.
Workshop 1: 11-12 NOVEMBER 2024
Workshop 2: 14-15 NOVEMBER 2024
Workshop 3: 18-19 NOVEMBER 2024
Application Deadline: 11 OCTOBER 2024
The Building a Better Response (BBR) project is offering three, 2-day English language workshops to strengthen the capacity of NGO personnel engaging in the international humanitarian coordination system during complex emergencies. The workshops will be held in November 2024: 11-12, 14-15, and 18-19. These workshops are identical, and applicants need only apply once. Selected participants will attend one of the three.
Through interactive activities and group discussions, participants will gain a deeper understanding of coordination through topics such as humanitarian principles and standards, country-level leadership, and humanitarian programming cycle and financing.
By the end of the 2-day workshop, participants will be able to:
- Describe the foundations of humanitarian coordination and the current landscape of humanitarian response
- Analyze the unique challenges in coordination that NGOs face in responding to emergencies
- Identify how NGOs can improve their involvement within the international humanitarian coordination system
- Understand how to increase the effectiveness of NGO engagement in coordination
About BBR
The Building a Better Response project aims to provide training to strengthen the capacity of humanitarian actors to engage with the international humanitarian coordination system, including during complex humanitarian emergencies, and by doing so, improve coordination and response to the needs of affected populations.
Funded by USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), the project is being implemented through a consortium that brings together a combination of operational and technical expertise, spearheaded by International Medical Corps in collaboration with Concern Worldwide and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative.
Target Audience
The target audience for this workshop is staff working within Ukraine from local, national, or international NGOs, who are engaged in humanitarian response, have elements of humanitarian coordination included in their job responsibilities, and who are committed to promoting coordination within their organizations.
Ideal candidates include:
- Staff who are regularly deployed on emergency response teams
- HQ or field staff who are assigned to actively engage within clusters
- NGO representatives on humanitarian leadership fora
- Personnel who are regularly required to interact with humanitarian funding mechanisms and the Humanitarian Programme Cycle
- NGO staff responsible for capacity building/training within their organization specific to the content of this workshop
This is an interactive workshop with plenary discussions and small group activities. In attending this workshop, participants are making a commitment to take part in the entire duration of the 2-day workshop. To foster an environment of learning, participants should be prepared to actively engage and will be encouraged to share their insights, ask questions, and participate in all of the activities.
Participants who are selected to attend the workshop will be required to complete the following tasks prior to participation in the workshop:
- Complete the entire Building a Better Response e-learning course and submit the certificate to the workshop organizers
- Submit onboarding documents and review the workshop participant packet
Pre-workshop tasks will take approximately 5-10 hours to complete. It is assumed that workshop applicants have received permission from their supervisors to attend the workshop and complete the pre-work, and that all participants will arrive at the workshops with these tasks completed.
If you have already completed the BBR e-learning course, please submit the certificates to when you apply. If you have not taken the e-learning yet, you will be required to do so prior to attending the workshop.
The online BBR course is available in English, Arabic, and French. To access it, please register here:
Workshop Timing
2-Day Workshops
(Selected participants will attend one)
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EET
Workshop 1: 11-12 NOVEMBER 2024
Workshop 2: 14-15 NOVEMBER 2024
Workshop 3: 18-19 NOVEMBER 2024

Before submitting an application, please check that you meet all of the following eligibility requirements. Applications that do not meet these requirements will not be considered.
- Must work for an NGO
- Coordination must be an essential part of job responsibility
- Must have a demonstrated commitment to coordination and a desire to spread learning to colleagues
- Must be able to speak, read, and write English with proficiency
With the generous support of USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), this workshop will be provided free of charge to all selected participants. In addition, the following costs will be covered by the project for those who are selected:
- Domestic transport within Ukraine to training location in Kyiv.
- Accommodations for three (3) nights.
- Breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the 2 workshop days, as well as morning and afternoon coffee/tea breaks.
Please note: Participants will be required to arrange their own travel to the training venue. Approved costs will be reimbursed to participants during the training.
Interested applicants who meet the eligibility criteria should complete the application form found HERE by 11 OCTOBER 2024.
Applicants will receive confirmation if they are accepted shortly after the deadline. BBR workshops often receive more applications than there are spaces available. Selection of participants is based on the quality of the application, applicants’ meeting the eligibility criteria, as well as to ensure a diverse representation of participants. If you have any questions, please contact